Script: The Daily Star / Photo: Collect 

The Detailed Area Plan (DAP) that will guide future constructions in Dhaka city, use of land and demarcation of canals and flow areas, is expected to be finalised in the next few months, Local Government and Rural Development (LGRD) Minister Tajul Islam said today.

He made the remarks at a meeting of the technical committee on DAP, held in the ministry's conference room.

"In order to finalise the DAP, we have already met with all stakeholders such as urban planners and architects. If everything goes well, the DAP will be finalised and published in the form of a gazette by December or January," he said.

The minister agreed that many buildings with flawed designs have been constructed over the years, tarnishing the beauty of Dhaka city, and putting the lives of its residents at risk.

He also conceded that many of such buildings were established occupying government lands and canals.

The minister warned that under no circumstances can these be allowed to happen again.

Buildings must be constructed in accordance with the design and building codes, he said adding that engineers and all other relevant authorities must play a proper role in ensuring the rules.